From the websites we visit and the advertisements we click, to the items we use and the stories we read, we are always interacting with design, whether it be online or printed, tangible or virtual, good or terrible.

However, what exactly is intentional designing, and how Design Engine meet the demands of the future and new technologies?

You’ve probably encountered dozens of instances of interactive design by the time you’ve inserted your first coffee pod into the machine, looked up the weather on your phone, perused your social media feeds, and pressed a few buttons to lock your front door.

“Every day, we are surrounded with interactive design in one way or another,” says John Belga (Lead Creatives & Publications for Design Engine). “It is a component of every industry, including tourism, fashion & hospitality.” The spread of technology has also completely changed the field of design as a job.

However, given that you are unsure of what lies ahead, how can one prepare for the future?

That, in my opinion, is the main point, argues John Belga. “In a world where we never know what will happen the next day, let alone the week, and where artificial intelligence (AI) is becoming more and more prevalent, our design program needs to establish fresh, meaningful connections with industry and embrace new technologies in the same way that our industry advisors are doing.”

According to John, designers are becoming more and more not just makers and doers but also problem solvers who inspire the production. “Intentional designing means concentrating on and considering the user’s journey on the platform we are working on,” according to intentional designer.

L-R (Izzy, John, Quennie, Robby, Perry)

John Belga is the Grand Winner of this year’s Tennun Pakaradjaan Young Fashion Designers’ Competition 2024.

Intentional Design: Why It Matters to Your Team